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Thursday, March 20, 2008 

Top 5 Reasons Britain Is Great

It seems a little strange to me that a country as small as ours would feel good enough about itself to put 'Great' in front of it's name. It makes me wonder who we're trying to convince, the rest of the world, or ourselves. I always hear people complaining about living here, but if you think about it a bit, it's actually an awesome place to live!

Here's five reasons why this little Britain really is Great:

1. We used to have the largest empire in history, spanning a quarter of the world.
2. Music
3. Free health care on the NHS
4. Drinking at 18
5. Sex at 16

Sure we always bang on about what we used to own, but the point is when this country was a little younger we really were an over-achieving bunch. We make up for that now by continually losing to the rest of the world at sports we invented.

We still have good music, and an amazing history of music, even inventing Metal (Thanks Ozzy!). But we're also famous for the Beatles, The Who and The Rolling Stones. Not to mention more recent great bands like Led Zeppelin, Queen, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden. We were also well into Punk, with the Sex Pistols and The Clash. In the 80s there was New Wave, but the less said about that the better.

I like this country's drinking culture. It's always raised as a negative, but I myself am a binge drinker, and I like doing it. I like that I could drink (legally) from 18, and have sex at 16, I felt I was old enough and responsible enough to do those things. I still drink as much as I did at 15 18 and I don't plan on slowing down. Sure this may eventually lead to some problems later in my life, but on the positive side, health care is free!

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6. Because "Pretty Good" Britain doesn't have the same impact.

as a Yank and a sincere Ozzy/Black Sabbath fan, I say move to the States. My ancestors came here to be free from oppression. Now we dink at 21 and have sex at 18+, rule at sports, but bitch about the pound being worth more than the dollar. We get sunburned on cloudy days and still have small penises. However, we can buy a handgun at 18. Die for our country, and brag that we won that we won our country through Manifest Destiny... Face it. If we were still Vikings, we wouldn't give a fuck. -Supernaut

Im not really annoyed by your post I fact I know England I lived there for about 6 months, but before posting this I think you should be informed about other countries

A) There are a lot of countries were the legal drinking age is 18

B) In any country you can have sex at 16 or younger if you want that's a personal choice

C) You need to travel cause England is a great place but I swear there are better

D) English men are not specially good seducers, your culture in more sexual than sensual they are two different things

E) I'm not a Yank or French so don't take this as an offense

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