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Monday, February 20, 2006 

Top 5 Funny things about Porn

There are few things funnier than watching some really bad porn. As a teenager I used to sit around in the dorm with my friends and watch porn, if we had it. Occasionally there would be some pillow moments, to avoid embarresment, or you'd have to leave to 'be alone' for a while, but generally the film was incredibly bad. Many an hour was spent laughing at hilarious sex, but the funniest bits were always:

1. The 'Acting' and 'Story'
2. The Film Names
3. Pornstar Names
4. The bizarre amount of fetishes
5. People who have learned all they know about sex from porn

Last weekend a friend of mine showed me a clip he had on his phone, it was only short. It featured a man shagging a woman doggy style over a toilet, bit of a bizarre setting, but whatever. So he's getting faster and taps her shoulder to signal he's ready for the big finale, so she flushes the toilet... (can you see where this is going?) ...then sticks her head in the toilet! While it's flushing! The guy then pulls out and she sits back and you get the final shot, but I never saw that bit, even after the 6th time of watching it. I couldn't stop laughing, it's the funniest shit I'd ever seen!

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  • From York, N Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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