Top 5 Transformers

1. Optimus Prime
2. Soundwave
3. Devastator
4. Grimlock
5. Starscream
Optimus Prime is a classic, I think everyone I know at some point has owned an Optimus Prime toy, it was practically a crime not to have one, you'd have been stoned to death with tiny plastic laser rifles.
Soundwave was the ultimate suck up, but he was still cool. Very calculated and always making Starscream look like a dick. He had some cool toys as well, with little casettes that transformed as well, into Laserbeak and those little dudes and the panther. If he was around now he'd stick out quite a bit though, who really uses casettes anymore? And CDs wouldn't transform into little sidekicks quite as well...
Devastator was awesome. Big, dumb, devastating, and whats better than six giant robots? Six giant robots that tranform into one even enourmous robots! I never managed to collect all six constructicons though, me and a mate had to buy half each and then take turns using Devastator.
Grimlock was awesome. But the whole Dinbot thing didn't really work, they were supposed to be 'robots in disguise', how the hell was dressing up as a Dinosaur being in disguise? Because theres so many of them roaming the streets of Earth.
Starscream was incredibly annoying. With a squeaky, girly voice and his constant scheming he was low even for a bad guy, which is why we loved to hate him. He made every episode interesting, his constant plotting to backstab Megatron and take over the Deceptacons always failed. And I cheered so much when Galvatron finally killed him in the movie.
my favorite transformer was, soundwave and megatron, no escribo mucho en ingles pero si leo bien eso,
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Anonymous |
4:54 am