Top 5 RPG Cliches - Gameplay

1. Giant Animals - In every RPG world, there will always be giant animals, be they rats, rabbits, dogs, wolves, tigers, or bees. They should have a word with the local industries.
2. Animals carrying items - And all of these animals will be heavily equipped with armour, weapons, potions and gold, despite having no way to carry or use it. Perhaps they were dragging it along in their teeth to line their nest with before they saw the chance to collect some of yours. The hero's spear would make a nice roof support for their lair.
3. Everyday food cures all ills - No matter how injured or near death the hero is, a small morsel of food can completely restore him. Just pop an apple in his mouth or a chicken leg and all his cuts will heal, bones will mend, limbs regrow and internal traumas miraculously repair themselves.
4. The Barrel Safe - There is obviously no crime in this land, that is until the hero showed up. No one locks their houses, or think it's strange when the hero busts through their door and starts knicking stuff from chests and draws. Luckily they stored all their gold and important belongings inside that wooden barrel in the corner, it'll be safe in there.
5. Evil Dissapears - Once the evil mastermind behind the story is dead, his empire of evil miraculously disappears. All his evil creatures return to their dungeons, his henchman retire and go home to their kids, to live productive lives, probably becoming pillars of the community, unlike the bloodthirsty hero.