Top 5 Things that suck about Growing Up

As an adult I've found that theres a lot of things that have changed since I was a kid. I've thought of myself as 16 for 8 years now, and I don't want to start thinking different, but it's slowly dawning on me that I have to change how I think. Here's my Top 5 reasons why:
1. Bills - You spend a monstrous amount on Bills. And they need paying every month! That's so much money I hardly get to see before it's gone.
2. Responsibility - You have to do so much, like clean your own mess up. People also rely on you for certain things, like your partners or family.
3. Money - Is a lot more important because you have to buy yourself stuff now. It's also a pretty big requirement if you want to live in any sort of comfort.
4. Working - See 3 & 1. If you want money to pay your bills and buy yourself stuff, chances are you have to work. Work sucks.
5. Time - You have so little time when your older. As your working all through the week, commuting, sleeping, eating or excercising for the rest of it.
The thing I miss most out of being young is time. I always had time, but as I've grown up I've had gradually less and less time to do the things I really want, like nothing. I enjoy doing nothing and spent a lot of time doing just that. Now I need to be 'productive'. I could be cleaning or getting fit, or preparing a nice meal, or spending 'quality time' with my girlfriend. Playing on my PlayStation is NOT being productive. Reading is NOT productive. Drinking alcohol is also NOT productive, but as an adult, this is now a god-given right and I will take advantage of it!
Tags: Relationships, Adulthood, Growing up, Responsibility, Money